The Dwarves of Cullkin

Lifespan: 120-130 years
Minimum Costuming Racials: Green in a raccoon pattern around the eyes, and Grey cracks in that area. Beard optional but highly recommended
The Culkin Dwarves are intelligent and crafty. Driven by a desire for progress and mastery of their chosen craft.
“Mix the brew, heal the sick. Bind the splint and make it quick. Wrap the bandage and set the break. A perfect fix for every ache.”
-Apothecary’s Diddy
During the division of the Amur lands at the beginning of the Second Age, the Cullkin took to this harsh wetland region for its abundance of herbalism resources. It is said that they sought to master herbalism to the extent that the Amur do, so they may combat them with it. What followed was tragedy after tragedy. Many dwarves died during those initial years, either to the environment, the scaled horrors that lived there, or their own ambitions. Because of this, the Cullkin sought to become master over life and death. Putting their efforts towards fostering skills that preserve life.
The Cullkin Dwarves band together in large groups in whatever areas are safe enough to inhabit. Some live on the few large patches of solid ground while others live on flotillas. The dwarves base their community structure on survival. Flesh mages, doctors, and herbalists lead the community and make decisions that will save the most amount of lives. Because of the perils of daily life in the region, every Dwarf learns either how to be an apothecary or learns a bit of herbalism to aid in keeping those around them alive.
The Cullkin apply themselves to herbalism or doctoring with a similar fervour that the Barclay Elves have with magic. Those skills are a welcome compliment to whatever skills the individual chooses to learn, as the Cullkin can find value in all other skills, and try to foster that in their young. The Cullkin are much like their cousins, as they take pride in their crafts. They care deeply for progress and pursuit of the field, seeking to master it much like how their Anselm cousins apply themselves to metalworks. While they are still far from mastery there have been many Magnum Opus’ discovered and created by the Cullkin Dwarves. They consider their finest discovery to be the technique they developed to allow them to apply the effects of a concoction to their weaponry, to allow it to take rapid effect on contact.
The Cullkin do not often allow themselves to indulge in art, as they are studious and driven, but when they do they produce pieces with vivid plant imagery across all mediums. Their art is characterized by impressive detail that can only come from long amounts of time and dedication to the project. Embroidery seems to be a common art form among the Cullkin.
The Cullkin Dwarves harbour similar feelings to the Anselm. A Dwarf’s immediate family is a priority, but the lineage overall is not. The Cullkin Dwarves also consider people close to them to be an extension of their family. Family does not exclusively mean blood relations to the Cullkin Dwarves. Relationships are often casual in nature, as most Cullkin do not expect to live for their full life expectancy. When relationships are serious enough to result in marriage it is a small affair attended by only immediate family and people close enough to be family.
Religion is not a primary concern of the Cullkin Dwarves, as they practice more of a sort of veneration for their creator Soldas. Their veneration comes in the form of their continued survival, and the respectful tending to of the dead of all people. To the religious, there is no God whose worship is seen as vulgar. Religious demographics tend toward Eternals like Aria, Verona, and Vumella, because they represent aspects that aid or promote survival.