The Humans of Tanieri

Lifespan: 60-80 years
Minimum Racial Costuming: A skull shaped birthmark on exposed skin
The Humans of the Taneiri are secretive and cunning. The second because of their odd desire for the first.
“Whispers drift along the wind as soft and fine as silk. Symbols torn from lungs and eyes worth more than faithless ilk.”
-Scriptures of Estin
The Tanieri are the most religious of the races of Mirokath. The Taneiri adhere to a theocracy, with the church of Mythnera being the central power. The church will consult the priesthood of other churches for advice in relative matters. Personal issues are very often settled by the parties involved, so long as both sides agree. Should an agreement not be met, the church of Mythnera decides. These decisions are typically the most the Tanieri come together on a subject. For the most part they are all very insular and if they are not alone they tend to stick together in groups of up to 10 people at most. Most Tanieri Humans own and operate a small ship that they essentially live on, should they still reside in their home country.
To the Taneiri Humans, information is more important than military might, and a particularly useful bit of information is more often than not worth more than gold. As such information brokerage and gathering are important jobs to them. This results in many of them leaving the Mirokath Archipelago in search of information worthy of being kept by their kin and the church. The word of a Taneiri Human is their bond, and they take such things seriously. Seriously enough that breaking such a bond is worthy of horrible punishment.
It is not uncommon for Taneiri Humans to be mistaken for their cousins, The Brimholm. Like them, the Taneiri are often very proficient at a large variety of tasks and that is not to mention the physical similarities. The key difference is that every Taneiri is has a prominent skull-shaped birthmark appear on their body when they reach young adulthood. This is referred to as "Mythnera's Brand". Along with the breadth of skills comes a large assortment of hobbies. The Taneiri hardly ever delve to more than an apprentice level in any sort of craft or hobby, as they are liable to change their mind and drop the task as quickly as they picked it up.
Family is not really a concept that the Taneiri like to address. To them it is a casual term used for the people they choose to keep in their life. They are more than willing to leave or let go those who they feel they no longer need to keep the company of. They expect this of those around them to the same extent. Relationships are not common in the slightest, and are casual where they exist. Should something more permanent be sought, then it is respected. There are no customs that the Taneiri hold in regards to marriage. Should a child be sired, both parents are to stay to make sure the child knows the Taneiri way and is capable of surviving on their own.
All Tanieri are raised to be very religious, and are taught that the Eternals are the reason for all life on Aelamos, and are the reason that the Amur have not eradicated all life. Worship is personal, and all of the Gods are worshipped equally. There is a very slight trend towards worship of Mythnera and away from Aria. The Tanieri Kumans wear their holy symbols openly and often wear bandana colours associated with the God they choose to follow.
Synne: White
Aria: Blue
Penoriel: Yellow
Vumella: Red
Terona: Purple
Verona: Grey
Soldas: Green
Mythnera: Black